EMBRACING THE WORLD (www.embracingthewolrd.org) – is a large humanitarian organization that has been cited by the press as a leading organization providing disaster relief and humanitarian aid. Another part of ETW’s mission is the dissemination of worthwhile wisdom, knowledge and techniques to society, in general. We are also working for environmental preservation, interfaith unity, and other broad social topics at prestigious locations, including the U.N. In recognition of Embracing The Wolrd’s outstanding disaster relief work and other humanitarian activities, the United Nations in July 2005 conferred “Special Consultative Status” to ETW, thus enabling collaboration with UN agencies. In December 2008, the UN’s Department of Public Information approved Embracing The Wolrd as an associated NGO to help its work of disseminating information and research into humanitarian issues. For those who are interested, we can provide additional materials. Click here for a glimpse of Amma’s world of charitable activities.