Team from AmritaUniversity, conducted a two days workshop on Integrated Amrita Meditation Technique(IAM) for the expedition team of C.L.A.W – Soul of Steel (CONQUER LAND AIR WATER, which is a first of it’s kind Himalayan Skill and Endurance Challenge in high altitude backed by Indian Army).
A 23 member team from all over India was selected by Indian Army to participate in this 2 month challenge to compete, survive and thrive in the harshest terrain to explore and discover human potential. The participants included both boys and girls ranging from the age of 19-38 years.
The two day workshop was organized at the para-military camps situated at the high altitudes of 12,000 ft in the midst of mighty Himalayas. The snow capped mountains brought a serene look to the workshop, with the streams of fresh spring water adding to the sounds of makara.
The temperatures were freezing between -1 to 3 degrees, but it didn’t let the enthusiasm go down.
As the participants were being trained into military-style high-altitude operations and operate beyond the assumed limits of their bodies, they appreciated this workshop on Mental fitness and Integrated Amrita Meditation. The Army Officer leading the expedition said as such expeditions need not only physical fitness but also a clear thinking and relaxed state of mind, such workshops will allow them to discover the limitless realms of their minds and tap into their power inside.