Director & Managers from Assay Matrix Pty Ltd, Australia, Students from Institute of Hotel Management (IHM) Kolkata, ICAI & Jain University, Bangalore hailing from different countries, flocked together to learn IAM meditation training. All differences of occupations and languages vanished in light of the unifying practice that inspired people to try to see oneness in all of creation. In the silence of meditation practice, the group felt relaxed, achieved better communion with each other’s hearts, extending solidarity and support to one and all.
“I really enjoyed the IAM session and felt relaxed and energized after it. During Covid-19, perhaps meditation will bring humanity closer even as physical distance increases. My heartfelt thanks to the IAM instructors. I recommend IAM for all working people to have a stress-free life”, said Ms Sandhya Nambiar, Commercial Director at Assay Matrix Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia.